Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Dottor Dimitrios Kontothanassis

Pubblicazioni inserite nel sito della National Library of Medicine (PUBMED)

Di seguito pubblichiamo una lista di articoli apparsi sulle più importanti riviste scientifiche internazionali. Tali lavori hanno un significato particolare – la loro pubblicazione è una dimostrazione del valore del Dott. Kontothanassis come clinico e scienziato.

• Morphological and functional modifications of the aneurysm-endograft complex following endoluminal exclusion in 30 consecutive cases – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, G. Ambrosino, L. Di Cristofaro, E. Bonello, D. Miotto, C. Fittà, G. Tropeano, G. Barbiero, published in Acta Bio Medica, Volume 74, No. 2, 2003

• Approach to juxtarenal inflammatory aneurysms  A. Scuro, M.E. Barzaghi, A. Griso, S. Ferrari Ruffino, D. Kontothanassis, M. Mirandola, G. Leonardi, M. D’Agata, published in Annali Italiani di Chirurgia, Volume 75, No. 2, March-April 2004

The first 1000 cases of Italian Endovenous-laser Working Group (IEWG). Rationale, and long-term outcomes for the 1999-2003 period– G.B. Agus, S. Mancini, G. Magi for the IEWG, published in International Angiology (the Journal of Vascular Biology, Merdicine and Surgery, official Journal of The International Union of Angiology, Union Internationale de Phlebologie, Central European Vascular Forum), Volume 25, No. 2, Pages 209-215, June 2006

• Endovenous thermal ablation. Standardization of laser energy: literature review and personal experience – D. Kontothanassis, R. Di Mitri, S. Ferrari Ruffino, M. Ugliola, N. Labropoulos: IEWG (Italian Endovenous Laser Working Group), published on International Angiology, Volume 26, No. 4, June 2007

• Benign outcome of objectively proven spontaneous recanalization of internal carotid artery occlusion: longterm follow-up – G. Camporese, N. Labropoulos, F. Verlato, E. Bernardo, G. Salmistraro, D. Kontothanassis, R. Ragazzi, M. Barban, A. Dalla Pozza, G.M. Andreozzi, published in International Angiology, Volume 27, Supplement 1 to issue No. 3, June 2008 – published in occasion of the 23rd World Congress of the International Union of Angiology

• Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin versus Compression Stockings for Thromboprophylaxis After Knee Arthroscopy – A Randomized Trial – D.Kontothanassis con G.Camporese, E.Bernardi, P.Prandoni, F.Noventa, F.Verlato, P.Simioni, K. Ntita, C. Frangos, F. Rossi, P. Zucchetta, G.M. Andreozzi: KANT (Knee Arthroscopy Nadroparin Thromboprophylaxis) Study Group, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, July 2008, American College of Physicians

• Endovenous laser treatment of the small saphenous vein – D. Kontothanassis, R. Di Mitri, S. Ferrari Ruffino, E. Zambrin, G. Camporese, J.L. Gerard, N. Labropoulos, published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery, Volume 49, No. 4, April 2009

Underwater Sonography of Leg Veins  – Caggiati A, Lattimer C, Kalodiki E, Oberto S, Bergamo G, Kontothanassis D; Underwater Compression Group. Underwater Sonography of Leg Veins. EJVES Short Rep. November 2018

Biliary peritonitis complicating percutaneous nephrostomy  – Kontothanassis D, Bissas A. Biliary peritonitis complicating percutaneous nephrostomy. Int Urol Nephrol. 1997;

Refining diagnosis and management of chronic venous disease: Outcomes of a modified Delphi consensus process – Aloi TL, Camporese G, Izzo M, Kontothanassis D, Santoliquido A. Refining diagnosis and management of chronic venous disease: Outcomes of a modified Delphi consensus process. Eur J Intern Med. July 2019;

The Feasibility of Underwater Computerised Strain Gauge Plethysmography and the Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Leg Venous Haemodynamics – Mosti G, Bergamo G, Oberto S, Bissacco D, Chiodi L, Kontothanassis D, Caggiati A. The Feasibility of Underwater Computerised Strain Gauge Plethysmography and the Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Leg Venous Haemodynamics. EJVES Vasc Forum. 2020 May 18;

Management of perforator vein aneurysms in the lower extremities – Labropoulos N, Comito M, De Zolt P, Kontothanassis D. Management of perforator vein aneurysms in the lower extremities. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. July 2015;

Venous intima-media thickness increases both in deep and superficial systems in patients with great saphenous vein reflux – Bissacco D, Oberto S, Kontothanassis D, Caggiati A. Venous intima-media thickness increases both in deep and superficial systems in patients with great saphenous vein reflux. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. November 2019;

Is transurethral resection of the prostate safe and effective in the over 80-year-old? – Brierly RD, Mostafid AH, Kontothanassis D, Thomas PJ, Fletcher MS, Harrison NW. Is transurethral resection of the prostate safe and effective in the over 80-year-old? Ann R Coll Surg Engl. January 2001;

Endovascular repair of traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta: single-center experience – Saratzis NA, Saratzis AN, Melas N, Ginis G, Lioupis A, Lykopoulos D, Lazaridis J, Dimitrios K. Endovascular repair of traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta: single-center experience. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. May-June 2007;

Rigenase® and Polyhexanide combination for Wounds Treatment: The PMCF Survey– Falciglia MD, Palladino R, Maglione B, Schiavo G. In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity Evaluation of a Novel Fitostimoline® Plus Spray Formulation. Int J Microbiol. 2021 Sep 2;

Quality of life in chronic venous insufficiency. An Italian pilot study of the Triveneto Region– Andreozzi GM, Cordova RM, Scomparin A, Martini R, D’Eri A, Andreozzi F; Quality of Life Working Group on Vascular Medicine of SIAPAV. Quality of life in chronic venous insufficiency. An Italian pilot study of the Triveneto Region. Int Angiol. September 2005;

Effects of elastic stocking on quality of life of patients with chronic venous insufficiency. An Italian pilot study on Triveneto Region– Andreozzi GM, Cordova R, Scomparin MA, Martini R, D’Eri A, Andreozzi F; Quality of Life Working Group on Vascular Medicine of SIAPAV. Effects of elastic stocking on quality of life of patients with chronic venous insufficiency. An Italian pilot study on Triveneto Region. Int Angiol. December 2005;

Lista completa degli studi e delle pubblicazioni

Overview of the advances in thermal ablation techniques. Where do we stand? –  Phlebolymphology 2024

• Chronic venous diseases: radiofrequency ablation therapy
D.Kontothanassis, Edizioni Minerva medica (in pubblicazione)

• Risultati a breve, medio e lungo termine del trattamento endovenoso laser della vena grande safena, safena accessoria e piccola safena – Fleb des Alpes 2014
P. De Zolt, D. Kontothanassis

• May-Thurner Syndrome case reports and review of the literature about diagnosis and treatment – Fleb des Alpes 2013
P. De Zolt, D. Kontothanassis, S. Ferrari

• Management of patients with May-Thurner Syndrome without deep venous thrombosis – LIVE 2013
P.De Zolt, D.Kontothanassis

• Endovenous Laser Ablation Follow up Study (ELAFOS). A prospective trial to assess long term EVLA results – UIP 2013
D. Kontothanassis, P.De Zolt, N. Labropoulos

• Incidence of accessory vein refulx in the long term follow-up after endovenous laser ablation of the great saphenous vein – UIP 2013
P.De Zolt, D. Kontothanassis, N. Labropoulos

• Aggiornamento sul management dell’insufficienza venosa cronica (IVC) e delle sue complicanze – Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2012
D. Kontothanassis, N. Labropoulos

• Endovenous laser treatment of the small saphenous vein – D. Kontothanassis, R. Di Mitri, S. Ferrari Ruffino, E. Zambrin, G. Camporese, J.L. Gerard, N. Labropoulos, published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery, Volume 49, No. 4, April 2009

• Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin versus Compression Stockings for Thromboprophylaxis After Knee Arthroscopy – A Randomized Trial – D.Kontothanassis con G.Camporese, E.Bernardi, P.Prandoni, F.Noventa, F.Verlato, P.Simioni, K. Ntita, C. Frangos, F. Rossi, P. Zucchetta, G.M. Andreozzi: KANT (Knee Arthroscopy Nadroparin Thromboprophylaxis) Study Group, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, July 2008, American College of Physicians

• Benign outcome of objectively proven spontaneous recanalization of internal carotid artery occlusion: longterm follow-up – G. Camporese, N. Labropoulos, F. Verlato, E. Bernardo, G. Salmistraro, D. Kontothanassis, R. Ragazzi, M. Barban, A. Dalla Pozza, G.M. Andreozzi, published in International Angiology, Volume 27, Supplement 1 to issue No. 3, June 2008 – published in occasion of the 23rd World Congress of the International Union of Angiology

• Different apoprotein(a) isoform proportions in serum and carotid plaque – G. Baldo, S. Giunco, D. Kontothanassis, M.R. Baiocchi, A. Valerio, M. Frego, published in Artherosclerosis, Volume 193, No. 1, July 2007

 Endovenous thermal ablation. Standardization of laser energy: literature review and personal experience – D. Kontothanassis, R. Di Mitri, S. Ferrari Ruffino, M. Ugliola, N. Labropoulos: IEWG (Italian Endovenous Laser Working Group), published on International Angiology, Volume 26, No. 4, June 2007

 The first 1000 cases of Italian Endovenous-laser Working Group (IEWG). Rationale, and long-term outcomes for the 1999-2003 period – G.B. Agus, S. Mancini, G. Magi for the IEWG, published in International Angiology (the Journal of Vascular Biology, Merdicine and Surgery, official Journal of The International Union of Angiology, Union Internationale de Phlebologie, Central European Vascular Forum), Volume 25, No. 2, Pages 209-215, June 2006

• Approach to juxtarenal inflammatory aneurysms – A. Scuro, M.E. Barzaghi, A. Griso, S. Ferrari Ruffino, D. Kontothanassis, M. Mirandola, G. Leonardi, M. D’Agata, published in Annali Italiani di Chirurgia, Volume 75, No. 2, March-April 2004

• Morphological and functional modifications of the aneurysm-endograft complex following endoluminal exclusion in 30 consecutive cases – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, G. Ambrosino, L. Di Cristofaro, E. Bonello, D. Miotto, C. Fittà, G. Tropeano, G. Barbiero, published in Acta Bio Medica, Volume 74, No. 2, 2003

• No junctional tributary recurrence after endovenous laser or radiofrequency ablation: why high ligation can be avoided? – N.Labropoulos, D.Kontothanassis, A.P.Gasparis, A.K.Tassiopoulos, published in “Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery”, 2008 Edizioni Minerva Medica

• Endovenous laser treatment of varicose veins: a three-year personal experience – D.Kontothanassis, A.Scuro, A.Griso, R. Di Mitri, published in “Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery – Abstracts of Symposium: ambulatory techniques for varicose veins”, 2006 Edizioni Minerva Medica

• Le fistole aorto-duodenali – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, Hepatogastroenterology

• I coloranti vitali in chirurgia vascolare – M. Frego, G. Bianchero, D. Kontothanassis, Acta Chirurgica Italica
L. Perini, L. Bologna, Minerva Cardioangiologica

 Le angioplastiche percutanee per la rivascolarizzazione degli arti inferiori: esperienza su 100 casi – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M. A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, D. Miotto, M. Chiesura, S. Savastano, R. Ragazzi,

• Trattamento delle lesioni vascolari associate agli aneurismi dell’aorta addominale – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon

• Trombosi della vena cava inferiore da voluminoso aneurisma dell’aorta addominale – F. Pilon, D. Kontothanassis, L. Di Cristofaro, G. Bianchera, M. Frego, published in Communications of the Triveneta Society of Surgery, Padua, 13 December 2002, Acta Chirurgica Italica

• Il trattamento delle vene varicose con EVLT (Endovenous Laser Treatment) in pazienti ad alto rischio – D. Kontothanassis, G. Bianchera, L. Rampazzo, M. Frego, D.F. D’Amico, published in Communications of the Triveneta Society of Surgery, Padua, 13 December 2002, Acta Chirurgica Italica

• Trattamento chirurgico delle stenosi carotidee – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, L. Rampazzo, F. Pilon, L. Di Cristofaro, P. Feltracco, published in Archives and Proceedings of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Vol 3: 40-45, 2002 (Ed. L.Pozzi, Roma)

• Twin pregnancy following endoluminal exclusion of an iliac arteriovenous fistula caused by discal surgery – M. Frego, D. Kontothanassis, D. Miotto, M. Chiesura-Corona, F. Verlato, published in Journal of Endovascular Therapy, Volume 9, No. 5, October 2002

• Le rivascolarizzazioni “estreme”: tecniche e scelta del materiale – M. Frego, D. Kontothanassis, S. Ferraro, T. Filosa, published in Archives and Proceedings of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Bologna 28-31October 2001, Vol 1: 146-152, 2001 (Ed. L.Pozzi, Roma)

• PDF post liver transplant treated by MARS: case report and general considerations – G. Ambrosino, U. Cillo, D. Naso, D. Kontothanassis et. al., published in the abstract book of the 3rd International Symposioum on Albumin dialysis in liver disease, University of Rostock Department of Medicine, 7 September 2001

• Infusion without Lipidol in the Treatment of Invasive Multifocal HCC: a potential Immunotherapeutic approach in the advanced stage cirrhosis – U. Cillo, M. Bassanello, D. Kontothanassis et. al., published in Hepatogastroenterology, Current Medical and Surgical Trends

• A prospective study of controlateral internal carotid artery occlusion or stenosis as a risk factor after carotid endarterectomy – D. Kontothanassis, M. Frego, G. Bianchera, F. Grigoletto, E. Perissinotto, published in the Journal of the Japan Surgical Society, April 2001 (162) – winner of the Award for overseas young researcher at the 101st world congress of the Japan Surgical Society

• Ruolo dei bypass femoro-tibiali per salvataggio d’arto in ischemia critica – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, S. Ferraro, L. Rampazzo, published in Minerva Cardioangiologica, 2001, 49 (supplement 1 to issue n. 3): 39-41

• Chirurgia carotidea in presenza di steno-occlusione controlaterale – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, F. D’amico, published in Communications of the Triveneta Society of Surgery, Padua, 17 November 2000, Acta Chirurgica Italica

• Endarterectomia carotidea per eversione e reimpianto – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, presented at the Ciné Clinic “Chirurgia della carotide”, within the 102th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Rome, 15-20 October 2000

• Influenza della steno-occlusione della carotiode controlaterale sulla endarterectomia carotidea – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, F. D’Amico, published Proceedings of the 102th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Rome, 15-20 October 2000: 194

 I bypass femoro-tibiali per salvataggio d’arto – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, D. D’Amico, S. Ferraro, published in Proceedings of the 102th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Rome, 15-20 October 2000: 35

• TEA carotidea: ricovero breve o day hospital? – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, G. Davià, P. Feltracco, presente to the Triveneta Society of Surgery on 18 Dicember 1999 and published in Acta Chirurgica Italica (3), 1999: 222-3 (La Garangola, Padua)

• Endarterectomia carotidea in anestesia loco-regionale: analisi dei risultati su 500 casi – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M. A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, published in Proceedings of the 100th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Rome 11-16 October 1998: 188 (Studio Tipografico SP, Roma)

• Tumori primitivi del retroperitoneo: esperienza su 50 casi – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, D. D’Amico, published in Proceedings of the 100th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Rome 11-16 October 1998: 101 (Studio Tipografico SP, Roma)

• La nostra esperienza nel trattamento degli aneurismi dell’aorta addominale – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, published in Proceedings of the 100th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Rome 11-16 October 1998: 73 (Studio Tipografico SP, Roma)

• Valutazione di diverse tecniche in chirurgia carotidea: esperienza su 500 casi – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M. A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, P. Andreacchio, F. Pilon, published with the Triveneta Society of Surgery in Acta Chirurgica Italia, 54(2): 179, 1998 (La Garangola, Padova)

 Factors associated with patency of infra-popliteal bypass for limb salvage – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M. A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, presented within the XII National Congress of the Italian Society of Phisiopathological Surgery (SIFIPAC), Bari 3-6 May 1998 and published in Hepatogastroenterology, supplement 1, 1998: 53

• Intestinal complications of abdominal aortic surgery – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M. A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, presented within the XII National Congress of the Italian Society of Phisiopathological Surgery (SIFIPAC), Bari 3-6 May 1998 and published in Hepatogastroenterology, 45, supplement 1, 1998: 18

• Correlation between clinical signs and laboratory tests with diagnosis, type and severity of intestinal infarction – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, P. Parimbelli, F. Pilon, presented within the XII National Congress of the Italian Society of Phisiopathological Surgery (SIFIPAC), Bari 3-6 May 1998 and published in Hepatogastroenterology, 45, supplement 1, 1998: 18 45

• Rivascolarizzazioni sottopoplitee per salvataggio d’arto – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M. A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, published in Proceedings of the 99th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Padua 19-22 October 1997: 147

• Endararterectomia carotidea: confronto tra diverse tecniche – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M. A. Scomparin, P. Andreacchio, D. Kontothanassis, published in Proceedings of the 99th National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), Padua 19-22 October 1997: 51

• Fisiopatologia dell’ischemia intestinale – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, P. Parimbelli, Published in Readings of the 10th National Congress of the Italian Society of Phisiopathological Surgery (SIFIPAC). Bari, 3-6 May 1998: 85-92 (La Garangola, Padua)

• Nuove proposte terapeutiche: valvuloplastica della grande safena – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, D. Kontothanassis, F. Pilon, P. Andreacchio. Report within “Fleborum”, Padua, 13 February 1998, published in Vascular Disease: 25-7, 1998 (Naples)

• Gli aneurismi del tripode celiaco e dei suoi rami – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M.A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, published in Proceedings of the training course: Controversies and dilemmas in hepatobiliary surgery, Mestre 12 April 1997: 55-64 (Tipografia Gotica di Padova, 1998)

 Il clampaggio carotideo e la risposta cerebrale – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M.A. Scomparin, D. Kontothanassis, published in Proceedings of the XI National Congress of the Italian Society of Phisiopathological Surgery (SIFIPAC), Milan 5-8 May 1997: 11-7 (Ed. MICOM, Milano)

• Il dolore dopo chirurgia vascolare – M. Frego, G. Bianchera, M.A. Scomparin, M. D’Agosto, D. Kontothanassis, published in Archives and Proceedings fo the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), 4: 79-82, 1996 (Ed. L. Pozzi, Roma)